Ocean County Christian Academy

Straight Road

Our MISSION Statement

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There are three entities that vitally affect the development of a child: the home, the church, and the school. With a firm conviction that all three institutions should be in harmony, OCCA was founded to combine them into a dynamic trio, emphasizing the preeminence of God in each area. Through the cooperation of these three entities, we are able to create a continuity of philosophy, developing Christian character in every phase of life.

We thank God for our facilities, for our dedicated staff, for a church that cares, and for parents who are willing to make the sacrifices necessary to ensure a Christ-centered education for their children.

The mission of OCCA is to assist parents in equipping their students to be balanced citizens prepared to impact their homes, churches and communities.

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OCCA Goals

Enable Students to Develop the Character of Christ

Educate Students with Excellent, Bible-Centered Activities

Equip Students for a Lifetime of Service

Elevate the Student’s Love for God and Country


Please feel free to contact us if we can be of further assistance.